The newmero bricks have been designed with children

The numbered bricksā€™ surface, size, weight and colour have carefully been crafted to appeal to the touching/tactile nature of young children. 

The bricks guide the children to find the answers themselves through intuitive design.

The newmero bricks are produced in Europe and made of high and strong quality PBA-free plastic.

STEM for Girls with the newmero bricks

The newmero bricks are helping

The newmero bricks are helping children to figure out the math answers.

The newmero brick may look simple but it has many features to help the children to find the solution.

The Bricks

A. Counting knobs

B. Numeral value

C. Stacking/Connector knob

D. Right jigsaw pattern

E. Left jigsaw pattern

F. Bottom edge

Learning the numbers and to count with the newmero bricks.

What is number ā€fiveā€?

The symbol 5 combined with the counting knobs on top of the brick makes it easy to understand 5 and its value.

Tracing the symbol 5 with your index finger will help memorization of the number.

How are the numbers related
and sorted?

Stack the bricks on top of each other using the connector knob and the counting knobs will provide guidance.

If the numbers are not sorted right, it will not form a stair like in the picture.

learning Friends of 10 with the newmero bricks.

Which numbers are Friends of 10?

The bricks fit together like a puzzle if the sum is 10, 100 or 1000.

2 and 8 show the match and are Friends of 10 (number Bonds of 10).



Stack the numbers together.

Count the extra knobs on the bricks, which is the answer.

Place Value

Build numbers as staircases using the connector knob.

Compose and decompose numbers physically.

3526 is simply a 3000, 500, 20 and a 6.

newmero bricks packaging

The newmero bricks are packed in different packaging to suit your needs:

Parents and Special teachers:


You can buy the newmero bricks here: