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If you have any questions or recommendations, please send an e-mail to Christine at info@newmero.dk and we will get back to you right away. You are also welcome to contact us through our social media channels (Check out the social media link at the bottom of this page).

Once upon a time in the enchanting land of Denmark, a family business was born out of a deep passion for mathematics. Meet newmero, a company that believes in the power of numbers to shape young minds and inspire a love for learning.

At the heart of newmero are the visionary founders, Christine Blin and Allan Cheng. With their combined expertise in mathematics and business, they embarked on a journey to revolutionize the way children experience the world of numbers.

It all started one sunny afternoon, as Christine and Allan sat with their children, exploring the wonders of mathematics. As they played, touched, traded, and built numbers together, they witnessed a spark of motivation and excitement that couldn't be replicated in solitary endeavors. This realization ignited a creative flame within them, and the groundbreaking newmero bricks were born.

What sets newmero apart is its deep understanding that learning is not just about solitary work, but about connection and collaboration. These unique bricks have captivated not only children but also the world, earning newmero an impressive tally of 16 prestigious awards.

Nestled in the heart of Copenhagen, newmero has become a beacon of innovation in the world of math education. From their cozy headquarters, they share their passion with the world, selling their remarkable math games and toys to eager learners across the globe.

With every product they create, newmero strives to unlock the inherent magic within mathematics. By infusing their offerings with an irresistible blend of creativity and logic, they make learning an adventure that children cannot resist. Through their toys, they invite young minds to explore, discover, and fall in love with the beauty of numbers.

At newmero, they believe that education should be a joyful journey, and they are committed to making it so. With their innovative approach, they inspire confidence, curiosity, and a lifelong love for learning in children of all ages.

So, whether you're a parent, a teacher, or simply someone who believes in the power of numbers, join newmero on their quest to transform math education. Together, let's unlock the boundless potential within every child and pave the way for a brighter, more numerate future.