Learn Subtraction by playing
It can be hard for your child to understand subtractions by only using a pen and paper.
Children understand better when they can touch the numbers.
The newmero bricks show the difference between the numbers. It also helps your child to find the solution.
Let’s take for example 7-2=?
It can be hard for your child to understand subtractions by only using a pen and paper.
Children understand better when they can touch the numbers.
The newmero bricks shows the difference between the numbers. It also helps your child to find the solution.
Lets take for example 7-2=?
Stack the bricks together
Put the bricks together and count the extra counting knobs at the top of the bricks.
There are 5 extra knobs at the top so the result is 5!
You can also learn the place value, Friends of 10, Additions and more with the newmero bricks. You can see here short videos of each exercises that is grouped by class level
Buy a set of newmero and help your child to master Maths.